Spay and neuter services for your pet are important for your pet’s long-term health as well as the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. The appropriate age for the timing of sterilization surgery may vary depending upon the species and breed of your pet. At Auburn Oaks Animal Clinic, we understand that spaying or neutering your pet is an important consideration. We offer you the following information to help you make a decision as to what is the best and most responsible choice for your pet.
Should I Spay Or Neuter My Dog?
Females - Ovariohysterectomy (Spay)
Unspayed females are at a higher risk for mammary cancer and a life-threatening uterine infection known as pyometra.
Unspayed dogs will drip blood and mucus from their vagina off and on for 3 weeks while in heat.
We recommend spaying large breed (over 50 lbs) dogs after they reach skeletal maturity (approximately 1 year of age). There are studies that show delaying spaying until after skeletal maturity decreases the incidence of hip dysplasia and cruciate disease in large breed dogs.
We will consult with you to individually determine the best timing for spaying your pup.
Males - Castration (Neuter)
Intact males have a tendency to escape and roam, searching for females, which can result in injury due to fights, being hit by a car, etc.
Males that are not neutered have an increased risk of testicular cancer.
Some unneutered males exhibit increased aggression/dominance towards other males and increased/unappreciated mounting behavior around females.
We recommend delaying neutering your large breed pups until after they achieve skeletal maturity.
We will consult with you to individually determine the best timing to neuter your pup.
If you are interested in breeding your pup, you may not be interested in spaying or neutering your pup at this time; however, please understand the risks associated with not spaying/neutering your pup. If you would like to discuss your options with us at Auburn Oaks Animal Clinic, please let us know.
Spayed and Neutered Cats
Females - Ovariohysterectomy (Spay)
Unspayed females are at a higher risk of mammary cancer.
Unspayed cats can develop a severe uterine infection, called pyometra, especially if they are not bred. This can turn the uterus into an abscess and is a SURGICAL EMERGENCY! If not caught in time, this can result in severe illness, infection, or even death.
Many cats will spot and vocalize significantly during their heat cycle. Males will also be attracted to the in-heat female and can spray uncontrollably.
Males - Castration (Neuter)
Intact male cats have a tendency to roam in search of female cats in heat, which can result in injury due to fights, being hit by a car, etc.
Intact male cats have a tendency to urine mark very frequently outdoors and even indoors.
Male cats that are not neutered have an increased risk of testicular cancer.
Various fatal diseases such as feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are associated with fighting and mating.
If you are interested in breeding your cat, you may not be interested in spaying or neutering your cat at this time; however, please understand the risks associated with not spaying/neutering your cat. If you would like to discuss your options with us at Auburn Oaks Animal Clinic, please let us know.

When you are ready to have your pet spayed or neutered, please call us to schedule the procedure. Dr. Sullivan and his dedicated team will closely monitor your pet throughout the surgical process to ensure his or her safety and well-being. You will receive a call once the surgery is over and your pet is awake and resting comfortably.
When you come to pick up your pet after surgery, one of the team members will provide you with a full overview of the procedure and updates on your dog or cat. You’ll also receive instructions on administering post-operative care to your pet at home. We are here to answer any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to call if needed.
We are proud to offer top-rated spay and neuter services in Auburn, Al – Click here to check out our 5-star reviews!